May 4, 2023 Service Pack

The following Service Pack versions were released:

Versions (Sensor and Server)


The tables below describe the enhancements, fixed issues, and changes included in each version.

  • The Versions column indicates the versions that include the fix. (For more information, see the note above)

  • The Required Update column indicates if the fix requires sensor/server update.

IMPORTANT: If you want to upgrade your servers to this version, we recommend that you upgrade all components - Registration server, Detection servers, and WebApp server - to this version.

Issues included




Required Update

Sensor OS


Sensor tagging

When adding sensor tags by uploading a CSV files, if the CSV file contained more than 10,000 rows, some sensors did not get sensor tags with an unknown entity id error message.

We have updated the sensor tag upload flow to successfully upload CSV files with more than 10,000 rows.




Proxy, Linux sensors

When trying to connect to the Global Update server through a proxy connection (configured in the installed sensor package through sensor personalization), sensors on Linux machines were not able to access the Global Update server successfully.

We have resolved this issue and you can now connect Linux machines to the Global Update server through a proxy connection.

Sensor and server


DFND-40989, DFND-41723


If you added a local update server URL to the Anti-Malware settings in a sensor policy, and then updated the policy settings or assigned a sensor to a different policy, the local update server settings on the endpoint machine retained the previous URL from the first policy instead of updating the new URL settings.

We have resolved this issue and changes in the local update server URL from the policy are propagated to endpoint machines correctly.

Sensor and server




When adding domain exclusions for Fileless Protection (in the Fileless Protection > Domain exclusions section of the sensor policy), if a machine had a slower network connection or performance, the exclusion details did not propagate to the endpoint machine before the timeout period and domains were blocked when they should have been allowed.

We have resolved this and Domain exclusions will propagate correctly for all endpoint machines.

Sensor and server
