March 06, 2022 Service Pack

The following Service Pack versions were released:

Versions (Sensor and Server)



These versions of Cybereason are being released to Cybereason customers on a gradual basis. Contact your Customer Success representative to request access to this version.

The tables below describe the enhancements, fixed issues, and changes included in each version.

  • The Versions column indicates the versions that include the fix. (For more information, see the note above)

  • The Required Update column indicates if the fix requires sensor/server update.

IMPORTANT: If you want to upgrade your servers to this version, we recommend that you upgrade all components - Registration server, Detection servers, and WebApp server - to this version.


Linux AV is generally available in version 20.2.303 and later. When you upgrade a Linux sensor to this version, and the sensor is assigned a policy with Anti-Malware > Signatures mode enabled, scheduled and on demand scans run automatically according to policy settings. On access scans on Linux machines are enabled by default in version 20.2.462 and later (prior to this version, contact Technical Support to enable on access scans).

Included issues




Required Update

Supported OS


Linux AV

To improve performance, the Cybereason platform now excludes known and safe processes by default on Linux machines.

You can also exclude additional files from Anti-Malware scans based on the name of the process that opens the files. To use this capability, contact Technical Support.

Sensor and Server



Custom detection rules

In the Security profile > Custom detection rules screen, if you created a new custom detection rule with the Process root element and Owner machine element, and tried to add a filter to the Owner machine element, no filter was available and the page became unresponsive. This issue has been resolved, filters are now available and the page is responsive.




Fileless Protection

On machines running Windows 10 32-bit with Fileless protection enabled, an error was caused by the DLL used to implement Microsoft Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI). This issue has been resolved.

Sensor and Server




On the MalOp details page, if you clicked Menu > Investigate primary root cause, the Investigation screen loaded without the predefined query relevant to the Malop. This issue has been resolved.




Sensor Management

In the Archived sensors report, the number of sensors to be archived was incorrect. This issue has been resolved.



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