Release Notes

The Cybereason Release Notes describe new features, fixed and known issues in all released versions and Service Packs of the Cybereason platform.


Some links in this documentation require access to the The Nest. Access is available for Cybereason customers and partners.

The following sections are included:




Version Release Notes

23.2 Release Notes

23.1 Release Notes

22.1 Release Notes

21.2 Release Notes

21.1 Release Notes

20.2 Release Notes

20.1 Release Notes

Release notes for the latest and LTS versions.

Service Packs

Service Packs

Service Packs with new releases for LTS versions including fixes and enhancements to the LTS versions

Non-Version Features

Continuous Delivery Features Release Notes

Features added independently of a specific Cybereason version, such as XDR and the Data Platform.

Version Support

Version Support

Release dates and end of support dates for each version